ID Delay Visa Expired
By frienshell •
Hi Sir/Madam,
Just want to ask regarding my situation. My Visa already Expired Last March 08, 2016. My entry Date here in Qatar is Dec. 09, 2015 then finished medical Dec 15, 2015 finished Finger Print around February. but until now company is not making my ID. Just want to ask if it happens that they will make my ID within this month what would be the expiry date of my QID.?
Some people where saying starting from the date of my finger print. some were saying expiry date of my Visa.
Please help I just want to confirm this one.
Thankyou in advance for your answers.
Dear muad-db,
Obliged for your appreciation.
Sheen Services WLL
Thankyou Sheen Services - to the point
Dear Ma'am,
Expiry is after 12 months from the day you land in Qatar.
Sheen Services WLL
Taru, Exactly ...................
thanks for the reply. :)
The date of issue of your QID will be the date you enter the country. The expiry date will be one year from that date so in your case it will be Dec 08, 2016.