Tips to save your car from catching fire in the Qatar summer
According to one research, most of the vehicle fires happen because of malfunctions, bad maintenance and mechanical or electrical failures of cars. These fires are almost always fatal, with very few cases of survivors.
Please remember this important fact about cars and safety. Most of the engine fires start in the engine compartment. They build slowly over time which is why detection is not possible in early stages. Note these important rules to prevent vehicle overheating and fires altogether.
-Most people overlook this simple tip. Keep your car well maintained; have it inspected often.
-Any fluids leaking under your car a warning signal. They could be harmless leaks, or they could be damaged pipes or loose wiring or insulation. Have it checked as soon as possible.
-Notice any changes in the vehicle’s sounds and smoke arising from the exhaust. These both could be indicators of high temperatures.
-Be wary of anything combustible inside the car. Lighters, cigarettes, matches are all dangerous items to bring in the car. If they are in the vehicle, try to keep them stowed safely in a cool place, and never leave still burning cigarette butts inside the car.
Safety comes first; these tips are lifesaving in a burning vehicle:
-Presence of mind is the thing that saves survivors in a dire situation like this. One must be swift in thinking and acting out a strategy.
-Stay focused and as calm as you can manage to be. Panic is the most fatal thing, in accidents like drowning or burning.
-If the fire is still small, use the extinguisher to douse it out quickly.
-Try to open all locks and doors. Break windows if the fire is catching rapidly.
-Toxic fumes from the fire are as dangerous as the fire itself; and cause most fire related deaths by poisoning and suffocation.
-Aim at the base of the fire and don’t expose it to a larger area of open air.
-Keep these tools in your emergency kit inside the car: Fire Extinguisher. Emergency hammer/cutter: these are useful in cutting windows with one strike, and slashing through jammed seat belts.
If the fire is controllable, keep these tips in mind:
-Turn off the ignition and maneuver the car away from the middle of the road.
-Turn on the emergency break.
-Evacuate the vehicle at once. Get all passengers out to safety.
-Go far from the vehicle, at least 30 meters away.
-Call the emergency number at once and explain the situation, along with details of the location and how many members are out on the road.
Call the Qatar emergency number 999.
-Don’t try to salvage the situation by yourself by opening the hood or trunk. That can cause the fire to blaze more strongly.
-Warn incoming traffic about the situation.
Get your vehicle inspected and maintained right away. Stay safe and drive safe in the Qatar heat.
Such wise advice - we will be careful