20 New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 We All Need to Follow
It’s that time of the year again when it’s time to reflect on the year that is about to pass and look towards the year that is to begin. It’s time to make our new year’s resolutions for the year 2017 and stick to them. The following are a few resolutions that I feel we should all make and keep:
1. Be a better person
2. Eat healthy
3. Make time for exercise
4. Be active
5. Reduce stress
6. Stay positive
7. Quit procrastinating
8. Make more time for loved ones
9. Try something new
10. Travel more
11. Learn new skills
12. Make time to read
13. Spend less time on electronic devices and social media
14. Quit smoking
15. Become more responsible
16. Conquer your fears
17. Aim high
18. Do more outdoor things
19. Be thankful for what you have
20. And most importantly, stick to your new year’s resolutions!
What do you think? Do you agree? Are you willing to make these changes in 2017?
Suggest you add:
Stop misguiding people seeking advice at Qatar Living.
Stop giving people false hopes especially when people are in genuine need of help.
Quit writing stupid answers to queries at Qatar Living.
Most New Year resolutions are forgotten on 2nd of January!