The Mystery of Zubara...
“The destruction of Basra is the development of Al Zubara.” This classical Arab proverb describes a widely known analogy in the Arab region.
In Arab history, we have witnessed areas with diverse ethnicities and sects usually become subjected to piracy. Religious wars are fought and fights break out between different tribes to seek wealth and power.
The path to Basra used to intersect between three nations — The Persians, Ottomans and the Arabs of the peninsula.
Both Basra and Baghdad (of Iraq) used to be battlefields between the Ottomans and Persians. However, the stories we hear and read always point to how the people of these beautiful cities have made tremendous contributions in many sciences.
Centuries ago, the destruction of Basra was caused by two types of Disasters. Natural disasters like the plague, and Human disasters, which I cannot even start to list down here.
The disasters resulted in migration of masses into different realms of Persia, Europe and Arabia. The people who ended in Al Zubara were from different classes varying from pearl divers and merchants to teachers and scholars.
No doubt, leaving your home and finding a new place can be hard. But the dedication people had for stability and safety led to paving the history for the creation of Qatar.
Today, Al Zubara is a ghost town. The fort still stands, but all primitive towers that were meant to protect the area are gone. Not too long ago, UNESCO recognized the ruins of Al Zubara as a historical site.
Will we ever witness a rebuilt Zubara? I really hope we do. The painting that Qatar Museums exhibited by Yousef Ahmad in 2014 at Katara gave me hope.
what does this word 'Zubara' means can anyone educate thanx.. in advance..
Hello, can please provide few details:
Visiting time, exact location etc.
I went here twice. yesterday was the last time. It was beautiful. You go inside and you'll learn more about its history. There are some trivias, general information about Al Zubara.
is public allowed to visit Al zubara ?
Yes it's quite possible, we need to preserve our past at any cost. It's so sweet that you have highlighted it in a beautiful way, Mush appreciated ............ Joys ............