Dress code --- a sign of rebillion?
Dressing like men, cutting hair like them or wearing make-up or jewellery like women might be called a parents' fault but not very much. We might observe a lot of dudes like these but its actually a time passing stage. An infant's interest is only toys, but when he gets into his teenage years he gets impressed by things that are 'in' stuff. When s/he reaches his/er 20's is a lil bit calmed down . And after 30's s/he starts understanding the behaviour of all those who are still passing through the age s/he already crossed.
It's very natural if we see male / female indulged in funky stuff especially those who are in teen years. Humans get impressed ........... naturally when they see something that attracts them they experiment that on themselves too ......... to attract other's praises too.
But at the end, as the age passes ... charm of all these things fade away itself & people when recall what they had done in their times simply laugh away at their idiotic incidents.
Now there is one more thing. Parents need to understand that when they were rebellious in their teenage years ... this will come naturally to their broods too. Letting them passing through those years by being their friends rather than adopting strict foes sort of roles will make it easy for a child to get through those difficult years.
Any dress of any country, I guess, is acceptable in Islam as long as they are loose enuff to not to expose a man or a woman. But anyways dresses cannot do anything as even in seven veils also crimes get committed.
Peace on all