Is there a beach within walking distance from Zig Zag Towers?
By Smoked.Salmon •
I am looking out my window at Zig Zag and see all of this beautiful water. Is there a beach to swim near Zig Zag at all? Possibly even within walking distance? I see from the Pearl side that the Hyatt residences seem to have private beaches etc.- I am looking for something public.
Thank you!
the grand hyatt hotel is very close. they have a very nice private beach that you can spend the day there for 150QR pp. its quite big and they got some nice restaurants too.
dining in doha .com for more details and on their location drop down menu it will give yo uan option of grand hyatt hotel clikc on it and slick search and it shows you a list of all restauratns within the hotel. theres on on the beach i think.
Thank you Roby! To furthur clarify I have a couple of questions:
1) How far after the Pearl main gate entrance is it?
2) If I am standing looking towards the Pearl right after the entrance would the beach be to the left or to the right?
just cross the road my friend beside the pearl entrance a very nice public beach