Where can I get Malaria immunization?
By king_of_tonga •
My family are planning on holiday in winter.Would like to get injection to prevent Malaria before holiday.
Does this injection in the health centre?If so,how much it is?should I make booking before visit the health centre?
If not,Which private hospital provide Malaria immunization?
Please give me advice and infomation.
Thank you.
Thank you very much to
astavisata007 & postmodernman
it helped me a lots.
There is no such thing as an immunization for malaria. You can get pills from any pharmacy without a prescription that will help prevent malaria however that also is no guarantee.
There is a vaccination center by Supreme Council of Health near to Abu Hamour Petrol Station. This center is meant to vaccinate those who travel to countries with histories of malaria and other diseases.......