Minimum 3 days maximum 7 days
1.Happy living ,, 5.holy cottage 2.Avonela...
Barwa village
Apply in ql education category apply upload certificate...
Eurogulf attestation 450qar but perfect all they l do...
10000 riyal salary monthly statement
Or 7k...
Wait two days
Bank statement is import right they are asking
Year 2017
Health card can b applied with qid
Having a...
Minimum 3 days maximum 7 days
1.Happy living ,,
5.holy cottage
Barwa village
Apply in ql education category apply upload certificate...
Eurogulf attestation 450qar but perfect all they l do...
10000 riyal salary monthly statement
Or 7k...
Wait two days
Bank statement is import right they are asking
...Year 2017
Health card can b applied with qid
Having a...