it is better, most of people will be on vacation, and...
waw i a m scared man, guys if anythung happened to me...
well i am the most now lol , thx
i am not lookig for their advise, if they are old QLers...
no , there is a hidden motive being your friend...
hang me then man, if you lost your patience it is your...
and did you see my tears sweety? read between the lines...
thx man , i will always say what i want to say no fear...
i don't think this is Darude's job, go check it...
maybe now people see what i mean
it is better, most of people will be on vacation, and...
waw i a m scared man, guys if anythung happened to me...
well i am the most now lol , thx
i am not lookig for their advise, if they are old QLers...
no , there is a hidden motive being your friend...
hang me then man, if you lost your patience it is your...
and did you see my tears sweety? read between the lines...
thx man , i will always say what i want to say no fear...
i don't think this is Darude's job, go check it...
maybe now people see what i mean