Senegal is in africa which is where these swinding...
Oh well, u r talking about indian movies....Shah Ruk...
It is extremely offensive - bad enough with hetro...
Just popped over to the Gin shop and on my way back...
Too late....I have reserved the whole lot except King...
Gee thanks....I am rather excited about the prospect...
Bring back Hanging!
Its better to stay at home and watch paint dry. Or go...
Just call Mags, Shaz or Bridget da Babe at Homes 2 Rent...
Thankyou for caring but actually no I am not ok. The...
Senegal is in africa which is where these swinding...
Oh well, u r talking about indian movies....Shah Ruk...
It is extremely offensive - bad enough with hetro...
Just popped over to the Gin shop and on my way back...
Too late....I have reserved the whole lot except King...
Gee thanks....I am rather excited about the prospect...
Bring back Hanging!
Its better to stay at home and watch paint dry. Or go...
Just call Mags, Shaz or Bridget da Babe at Homes 2 Rent...
Thankyou for caring but actually no I am not ok. The...