Let there be peace on earth and in Iraq!
我听见 我忘记...
I'm awake but still sleepy.
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做...
Let me think if he has that qualifications..
Hmmmm... what do you think? Maybe.....
pizza with butter?
我听见 我忘记; 我看见...
Morning guys!!
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做 我了解。
wake up guys!!
I'm on a nite shift.
Pole dance and lap dance huh?
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住;...
Honey bee usually stings.. I still like my goo...
none of the things you mentioned Red_Pope, I just...
Let there be peace on earth and in Iraq!
我听见 我忘记...
I'm awake but still sleepy.
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做...
Let me think if he has that qualifications..
what do you think?
pizza with butter?
我听见 我忘记; 我看见...
Morning guys!!
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做 我了解。
wake up guys!!
I'm on a nite shift.
Pole dance and lap dance huh?
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住;...
Honey bee usually stings..
I still like my goo...
none of the things you mentioned Red_Pope,
I just...