The addiction to Soviet ways seem to not only afflict...
And oil sands too! Ripe for good 'ol fashioned...
We will all become AMexiCANs. Si, se puede ;)
Although, it seems you may be getting closer. Mr....
That's okay, your not a state in the Union, yet ;)...
Hangover drink!
I guess the late John Paul II, grew up in a town that...
If people that own guns, 'control their guns', then...
The addiction to Soviet ways seem to not only afflict...
And oil sands too! Ripe for good 'ol fashioned...
We will all become AMexiCANs. Si, se puede ;)
...Although, it seems you may be getting closer. Mr....
That's okay, your not a state in the Union, yet ;)...
Hangover drink!
I guess the late John Paul II, grew up in a town that...
If people that own guns, 'control their guns', then...