his face is pale white, obviously guilty!
cherukkan, thanks for checking that out for me!...
Iren, those stare or look could mean a lot of things....
Britexpat, where does that leave your beloved Rice?...
no such thing. happiness is what you make life to be....
what's yours first?
saggi, i can't even begin to imagine how to assess what...
saggi, driving license is for learning basic driving,...
i drive like a noob, guilty as charged :(
Leisa, i said check the policy, not your contract....
his face is pale white, obviously guilty!
cherukkan, thanks for checking that out for me!...
Iren, those stare or look could mean a lot of things....
Britexpat, where does that leave your beloved Rice?...
no such thing. happiness is what you make life to be....
what's yours first?
saggi, i can't even begin to imagine how to assess what...
saggi, driving license is for learning basic driving,...
i drive like a noob, guilty as charged :(
Leisa, i said check the policy, not your contract....