adoption=not ur kid surrogacy and artificial...
it kills time..and soon it will be lunch time......
at least u can have sex with the woman...but with women...
whats the use of girl marrying girl???enlighten me....
my mouth is shut!!!!my fingers are not...U cant stop me...
do u work for Vivid Videos???
lets forget bout the tree..."hypothetical" words cant...
that means ure not looking for virgin as well as love...
cmon much u pretend.the truth is there deep...
or is it u...???
adoption=not ur kid
surrogacy and artificial...
it kills time..and soon it will be lunch time......
at least u can have sex with the woman...but with women...
whats the use of girl marrying girl???enlighten me....
my mouth is shut!!!!my fingers are not...U cant stop me...
do u work for Vivid Videos???
lets forget bout the tree..."hypothetical" words cant...
that means ure not looking for virgin as well as love...
cmon much u pretend.the truth is there deep...
or is it u...???