[quote]: "Don't any Qatari Locals have nice things to...
They don't have the right to check.. What if a friend...
Multi-national military forces can be formed as...
The resolutions of the UN General Assembly aren't...
The Security Council IS the teeth of the UN but...
With some pilitical reform to the UN the nuclear...
[quote The Dude]: "It is funny how some CAN and some...
When air strikes are used that means it will be a...
[quote]: "It will not be a large scale war.. it'll be a...
The Saudis WILL turn a blind eye if not take a part in...
[quote]: "Don't any Qatari Locals have nice things to...
They don't have the right to check.. What if a friend...
Multi-national military forces can be formed as...
The resolutions of the UN General Assembly aren't...
The Security Council IS the teeth of the UN but...
With some pilitical reform to the UN the nuclear...
[quote The Dude]: "It is funny how some CAN and some...
When air strikes are used that means it will be a...
[quote]: "It will not be a large scale war.. it'll be a...
The Saudis WILL turn a blind eye if not take a part in...