mR dArUdE.....NofiNg wOnG wIv mY kEy b0ard iTs jUs mY...
iF AlieNs r wHite tHen l0t 0f ppl dResSed iN wHite...
riZks st0p dreAming & wAke uP n0w hehe
tiTle iS miSleaDing! I tHoughT iT waS a j0ke!
I am sTil wAiting f0r mY appr0val! Kabayan pLs pr0cess...
n0merci y0u have br0ken the f0ll0wing QL guidelines and...
ooops KHATTAK..s0rrY 4 da misTake I coRrected iT.. I aM...
khAttak..f00l 0r n0t bUt sHe s0unds s0 rAcist in m0st...
Brit plz wear glasses you are getting 0ld! this p0st is...
mR dArUdE.....NofiNg wOnG wIv mY kEy b0ard iTs jUs mY...
iF AlieNs r wHite tHen l0t 0f ppl dResSed iN wHite...
riZks st0p dreAming & wAke uP n0w hehe
tiTle iS miSleaDing! I tHoughT iT waS a j0ke!
...I am sTil wAiting f0r mY appr0val! Kabayan pLs pr0cess...
n0merci y0u have br0ken the f0ll0wing QL guidelines and...
ooops KHATTAK..s0rrY 4 da misTake I coRrected iT.. I aM...
khAttak..f00l 0r n0t bUt sHe s0unds s0 rAcist in m0st...
Brit plz wear glasses you are getting 0ld! this p0st is...