yikes! i hate swines, flus and swine flu! whats up with...
that animated smiley, walking and...
sesufgi thank you man. i will...
mjamille. your GIF in red shoes tells otherwise...
jackmohan, astroiza thank you for the kind words...
@mjamille. what? youre not a vampy? you just broke my...
thank you tailchopper, and just how 'cute' would qatar...
@jpa. what do you mean i can keep it that way? @...
2d. im not employed yet.
design and layout for print ads
yikes! i hate swines, flus and swine flu! whats up with...
that animated smiley, walking and...
thank you man. i will...
your GIF in red shoes tells otherwise...
jackmohan, astroiza
thank you for the kind words...
@mjamille. what? youre not a vampy? you just broke my...
thank you tailchopper, and just how 'cute' would qatar...
@jpa. what do you mean i can keep it that way?
2d. im not employed yet.
design and layout for print ads