Thanks Vegas, my hubby is ex-army and wanted to go and...
Ok people, Guinea Pigs are not pigs, it is just a name...
They do have baby food here, but it's probably not the...
Thanks Supernurse. Can I get the Xenical without a...
My husband brought all of that and more. There was no...
Thanks ksa, going to have breakfast with the 2 year old...
Good Morning...I think. I'll decide after another cup...
I got mine at BabyShop in Centerpoint mall. They have 3...
It is legal for personal use. The reason ictQatar put...
Living The Dream, I know what you are saying and there...
Thanks Vegas, my hubby is ex-army and wanted to go and...
Ok people, Guinea Pigs are not pigs, it is just a name...
They do have baby food here, but it's probably not the...
Thanks Supernurse. Can I get the Xenical without a...
My husband brought all of that and more. There was no...
Thanks ksa, going to have breakfast with the 2 year old...
Good Morning...I think. I'll decide after another cup...
I got mine at BabyShop in Centerpoint mall. They have 3...
It is legal for personal use. The reason ictQatar put...
Living The Dream, I know what you are saying and there...