a story of friendship in a vry small country...between...
I wish i had 3 days off.....sleeping sleping sleeping...
medan...nxt tym...ur husband goes out....to party...go...
as i said....help others in need...a snall gesture of...
as i asia....help others in need...a snall gesture of...
hey good to hear tht...Narnia is also good........
leav it yar....thee is no solution to some problems......
yes it is..especially in middle east......if both of u...
hms....u care so uch for risks.....happy vaction risky...
thaaara.....jus dont do anythin these guys say.....jus...
a story of friendship in a vry small country...between...
I wish i had 3 days off.....sleeping sleping sleeping...
medan...nxt tym...ur husband goes out....to party...go...
as i said....help others in need...a snall gesture of...
as i asia....help others in need...a snall gesture of...
hey good to hear tht...Narnia is also good........
leav it yar....thee is no solution to some problems......
yes it is..especially in middle east......if both of u...
hms....u care so uch for risks.....happy vaction risky...
thaaara.....jus dont do anythin these guys say.....jus...