How many kids do you have? if it is 3, i will just say...
It's just you, because these rude people are here in QL...
i love to be cuddled :( , but............. no one's...
I call them back........ phone etiquette :)
I am happy with my job, and i know i am good at what i...
Lol... tfs ... we should start drinking alcohol to keep...
better to report it to the police.., now, that you are...
@ Rizks - Have a great weekend too..... :) what...
lol, worst, i came third :P
Happy Birthday :) (forgot to greet you, when i...
How many kids do you have? if it is 3, i will just say...
It's just you, because these rude people are here in QL...
i love to be cuddled :( , but............. no one's...
I call them back........ phone etiquette :)
...I am happy with my job, and i know i am good at what i...
Lol... tfs ... we should start drinking alcohol to keep...
better to report it to the police.., now, that you are...
@ Rizks - Have a great weekend too..... :) what...
lol, worst, i came third :P
Happy Birthday :) (forgot to greet you, when i...