Junk only leads to accumulation of Junks and chunks of...
doha chaap-- it seems you are one of those OSTRICHs I...
Never mind ! U R Genius dude ! !
doha-chap... There are people who even think and...
flyingAce. I concur with you.
The Ugly side of...
11 faces 5 at the right and 5 at the left...
Formatted soul.. Answer is simple dear ! ! The...
Does huangugg's Comments...
in absolute concurrence with your statement! !
This is the nature of human being, the struggle starts...
Junk only leads to accumulation of Junks and chunks of...
doha chaap-- it seems you are one of those OSTRICHs I...
Never mind ! U R Genius dude ! !
There are people who even think and...
flyingAce. I concur with you.
The Ugly side of...
11 faces
5 at the right and 5 at the left
Formatted soul.. Answer is simple dear ! !
Does huangugg's Comments...
in absolute concurrence with your statement! !
...This is the nature of human being, the struggle starts...