Peace in the Arab World the key is USA and its Allies...
Iran is not silly to attack any country. Nobody...
All the threat perceptions is created by USA and its...
Be concerned about your own people. Your leaders...
I prefer to reply you in the same language you pose me...
When you dont have something to say blame wow...
Is USA going to poke his nose in every fight in Muslim...
Go ask somebody in CIA FED or PENTAGON who has financed...
I am polite at all times and yes i am emotional about...
USA and its allies have financed Syria, Egypt and...
Peace in the Arab World the key is USA and its Allies...
Iran is not silly to attack any country.
All the threat perceptions is created by USA and its...
Be concerned about your own people.
Your leaders...
I prefer to reply you in the same language you pose me...
When you dont have something to say blame
Is USA going to poke his nose in every fight in Muslim...
Go ask somebody in CIA FED or PENTAGON who has financed...
I am polite at all times and yes i am emotional about...
USA and its allies have financed Syria, Egypt and...