Hi Friends, Gong Xi Fa Chai Tiger new year 2010....
Sardarji: I divorced my wife on the 1st night....
I hope the ages of the daughters are 1,4,and 9( 1 X 4 x...
Medulla thanks for opening this thread. Every...
pajju what about other ornaments? kumaran...
Pajju you look so young with ornaments.ha ha ha really...
Nicaq25, It is nice to hear about Barwa community...
Bajju, starring at one spot is not good to eyes...
Hai Smokey Cat, My best wishes for your happy...
Happy Diwali Wishes to you all. kumaran
Hi Friends,
Gong Xi Fa Chai Tiger new year 2010....
Sardarji: I divorced my wife on the 1st night.
I hope the ages of the daughters are 1,4,and 9( 1 X 4 x...
Medulla thanks for opening this thread.
pajju what about other ornaments?
Pajju you look so young with ornaments.ha ha ha really...
It is nice to hear about Barwa community...
starring at one spot is not good to eyes...
Hai Smokey Cat,
My best wishes for your happy...
Happy Diwali Wishes to you all.