the purpose of FRIeNDSHIP is not to have someone who...
"being the president i do believed that she is fair to...
as per my interpretation..HUMILITY because she let her...
go go go go..PGMA.
try to visit LENOTRE both..were giving free taste......
"GOD put HEART below our MIND, which means MIND is...
heehhehhehhhhhhhhh... my day is not complete if i...
guys are too hot?
stars on dece. 16 onwards..check the list below:
is age for you really matters?
Please be...
the purpose of FRIeNDSHIP is not to have someone who...
"being the president i do believed that she is fair to...
as per my interpretation..HUMILITY because she let her...
go go go go..PGMA.
try to visit LENOTRE both..were giving free taste......
"GOD put HEART below our MIND, which means MIND is...
my day is not complete if i...
guys are too hot?
stars on dece. 16 onwards..check the list below: age for you really matters?
Please be...