Khalid is back! Limited intellect obliges copy-...
Straight Arrow, I am impressed by the substance...
Heero, What is wrong with you? Why didn’t...
bleu, the one who is preaching ;) (i...
AbuSaif, lol...are you are priest?
Straight Arrow, You represent the reasons why my...
What’s wrong to express who you are, as long as you are...
SA, It also means that the good exists...
AbuAbdillah, Thank you for your insights but...
jon, did you mean "us" as "Americans"?
Khalid is back!
Limited intellect obliges copy-...
Straight Arrow,
I am impressed by the substance...
What is wrong with you?
Why didn’t...
the one who is preaching ;)
lol...are you are priest?
Straight Arrow,
You represent the reasons why my...
What’s wrong to express who you are, as long as you are...
It also means that the good exists...
Thank you for your insights but...
...did you mean "us" as "Americans"?