Visa for dubai or Qatar??
Room and Bath for 500 No wayyyyyy.
If your are working in qatar you must ask your company...
You are working in Qatar? So i can answer to your...
Labors start from 600 Q.R
Depend on the nationality,the post,Experience......
yes you need NOC !!! You Already get the visa!!...
I dont think its possible to find 2 bedrooms for 2500...
Visa for dubai or Qatar??
Visa for dubai or Qatar??
Room and Bath for 500 No wayyyyyy.
If your are working in qatar you must ask your company...
You are working in Qatar?
So i can answer to your...
Labors start from 600 Q.R
Depend on the nationality,the post,Experience...
yes you need NOC !!! You Already get the visa!!...
yes you need NOC !!! You Already get the visa!!...
I dont think its possible to find 2 bedrooms for 2500...