no, i'm about listening to music and doing some work...
u said it attention seeker, the car is so big anyway,...
will see, mayb one day, hey, never say never. take care...
U like to be notice out there, what ever makes u happy...
yes, been there a few times in my time here in Doha,...
was just a spelling mistake, no worries there, we all...
i firt tried shisha when i was living in Egypt and i...
I consider myself a social smoker, i like to have a...
Se me ocurrio de que podrias ver unos de los periodicos...
no, i'm about listening to music and doing some work...
u said it attention seeker, the car is so big anyway,...
will see, mayb one day, hey, never say never. take care...
U like to be notice out there, what ever makes u happy...
yes, been there a few times in my time here in Doha,...
was just a spelling mistake, no worries there, we all...
i firt tried shisha when i was living in Egypt and i...
I consider myself a social smoker, i like to have a...
Se me ocurrio de que podrias ver unos de los periodicos...