If you spend less time writing bs here, you will have...
Get domestic help. Cook for 2 days. Or quit working...
Wondering, where these poor people from....
100 qr? this is a joke!
Good thing she was not advised to put some poo in the...
There is a lady in Ain Khalid gate who teaches belly...
My friends are leaving in 2 weeks. Their maid is very...
Oh, please, there are so many so called sport clubs...
Dont you have any other things to worry about?
What a comment! Tutor will not help? The kid is 11...
If you spend less time writing bs here, you will have...
Get domestic help. Cook for 2 days. Or quit working...
Wondering, where these poor people from....
...100 qr? this is a joke!
Good thing she was not advised to put some poo in the...
There is a lady in Ain Khalid gate who teaches belly...
My friends are leaving in 2 weeks. Their maid is very...
Oh, please, there are so many so called sport clubs...
Dont you have any other things to worry about?
...What a comment! Tutor will not help? The kid is 11...