the writer of this article is right, they should...
one thing only, most doctors in hamad are not doing...
or pressing the clothes harder while headbanging with...
thai snack is on al nasser street (fareej nasser)
he sure does papa!
you've just had this experience you shared here about a...
don't expect anything like that here, the qatar...
try jungle zone they can provide play areas/games zones...
=Dura Lex Sed Lex=
wery vunny! LOL!
the writer of this article is right, they should...
one thing only, most doctors in hamad are not doing...
or pressing the clothes harder while headbanging with...
thai snack is on al nasser street (fareej nasser)
...he sure does papa!
you've just had this experience you shared here about a...
don't expect anything like that here, the qatar...
try jungle zone they can provide play areas/games zones...
=Dura Lex Sed Lex=
wery vunny! LOL!
=Dura Lex Sed Lex=