If you want customer care,second to none,go to Dean and...
Intrflora deliver to UK from here, look up on internet...
What? Extra Terrestrial services?! Out of this world!...
PM us ,if you like to know more! We are from UK and...
No vaccinations needed...promise!
? shut for Ramadan,or open very late?
From the Edinburgh fringe Festival ! lots of jokes,too...
Only a guideline,as I'm sure 2 cats will be much less,...
Nomad...you ought not to use the word 'twat'. It isn't...
Meet you there! Good food in M & S!
If you want customer care,second to none,go to Dean and...
Intrflora deliver to UK from here, look up on internet...
What? Extra Terrestrial services?! Out of this world!...
PM us ,if you like to know more! We are from UK and...
No vaccinations needed...promise!
? shut for Ramadan,or open very late?
From the Edinburgh fringe Festival ! lots of jokes,too...
Only a guideline,as I'm sure 2 cats will be much less,...
Nomad...you ought not to use the word 'twat'. It isn't...
Meet you there! Good food in M & S!