No Prob !!!!
Ms.Drmana this stay shows us what is right and what is...
hahhahahah funny !!!
BTW Thnaks for yr help
Arrrrrggg this is funny Rebel ................
i took 2 panadol extra .....but still pain :(:(:(...
very bad Darudu!!!!:(:(:((:(:(:(:(:(:(:
it Hurts!!!!!!!!!!!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i m not a snake Rebel.......
at office how can i get clove :(:P(
No Prob !!!!
Ms.Drmana this stay shows us what is right and what is...
hahhahahah funny !!!
BTW Thnaks for yr help
Arrrrrggg this is funny Rebel ................
...i took 2 panadol extra .....but still pain :(:(:(...
very bad Darudu!!!!:(:(:((:(:(:(:(:(:(:
it Hurts!!!!!!!!!!!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i m not a snake Rebel.......
at office how can i get clove :(:P(