I know, I was being cocky :-P
That's the norm with every thunder-storm in WV :-(...
Are you sure the waiter wasn't running after your car...
you're allowed to wipe your hands on Rizks' lungi for...
From whom and where did you hear that " it's not...
Do not bring personal matters into this discussion and...
I have seen people from all over coming to BC... even...
you racist basherd :-(
don't have youtube access in the office, can't watch...
So much pussy in one place :-D
I know, I was being cocky :-P
That's the norm with every thunder-storm in WV :-(...
Are you sure the waiter wasn't running after your car...
you're allowed to wipe your hands on Rizks' lungi for...
From whom and where did you hear that " it's not...
Do not bring personal matters into this discussion and...
I have seen people from all over coming to BC... even...
you racist basherd :-(
don't have youtube access in the office, can't watch...
So much pussy in one place :-D