Indeed, I am all pepped up and raring to go, or should...
Thank You!
Such offers only favour the brave :-P...
I likes it too :o)
Bose has ceiling speakers.
Along with buying 2 new Ford Rapture's, Rizks has...
I heard the invite was extended to only the "Mums in...
Rizks loves a massage with a "happy ending" :o)...
I'm upto a LOT... a lotta $%#*, i.e. :o)
Sticks and stones may break my bones, words will never...
Mail order bride :o)
Indeed, I am all pepped up and raring to go, or should...
Thank You!
Such offers only favour the brave :-P...
I likes it too :o)
Bose has ceiling speakers.
Along with buying 2 new Ford Rapture's, Rizks has...
I heard the invite was extended to only the "Mums in...
Rizks loves a massage with a "happy ending" :o)...
I'm upto a LOT... a lotta $%#*, i.e. :o)
Sticks and stones may break my bones, words will never...
Mail order bride :o)