best of luck! hope it is settled peacefully
happy that my team A won!!! haha
kill the X-person, then move to the other country!...
well thexonic is right....better get them.......
check the other villa they are offering, if its better...
lot of people getting job offers these days!!!!!!!!...
well thats fine bro but what's with the smart talk? try...
hi emtwees, thanks for remembering me and hope to...
Sony is the best, but LG is more affordable
life is very short and with the global warming and...
best of luck! hope it is settled peacefully
...happy that my team A won!!! haha
kill the X-person, then move to the other country!...
well thexonic is right....better get them.......
check the other villa they are offering, if its better...
lot of people getting job offers these days!!!!!!!!...
well thats fine bro but what's with the smart talk? try...
hi emtwees, thanks for remembering me and hope to...
Sony is the best, but LG is more affordable is very short and with the global warming and...