bianca: sabah al-noor i will give the...
Eagley: Do you mean by "al-ijra' al-tahwuree" = "...
FS: u have a minor mistake in u answer, i will...
1. Thank god that u r not the baby sitter for this kid...
BM: don't worry, keep on reading, and ask then u...
yes bianca, Fatoora = bill/invoice but u have to...
Kemcolian: yes that also works Kam Aakhir...
FS: Akher Se'er? Mafy Khasm? = Last Price?...
I was expecting to receive more answers and give the...
I thought that someone else could answer the quiz...
sabah al-noor
i will give the...
Do you mean by "al-ijra' al-tahwuree" = "...
u have a minor mistake in u answer, i will...
1. Thank god that u r not the baby sitter for this kid...
don't worry, keep on reading, and ask then u...
yes bianca, Fatoora = bill/invoice
but u have to...
yes that also works
Kam Aakhir...
Akher Se'er? Mafy Khasm?
= Last Price?...
I was expecting to receive more answers and give the...
I thought that someone else could answer the quiz...