dude.. that review wasn't for my laptop.. it's for C200...
wow, i really know how to handle u guys.. i just...
i removed the 2x512mb & they r up for graps.. who...
stupid people.. they screwd my game up.. i...
guys.. plz have ur chat somewhere else..
i guess...
ur treat..?!?!?
noooo way crysis will run on this thing.. .....
i did..
DAMIT... i said u cannot post twice.. read the...
Semper... what's that video about instead of ur pic.....
dude.. that review wasn't for my laptop.. it's for C200...
wow, i really know how to handle u guys..
i just...
i removed the 2x512mb & they r up for graps.. who...
stupid people..
they screwd my game up..
guys.. plz have ur chat somewhere else..
i guess...
ur treat..?!?!?
noooo way crysis will run on this thing..
i did..
i said u cannot post twice.. read the...
Semper... what's that video about instead of ur pic.....