Rizk hahhaa that water is for the poor birds not for...
Rizk ,most probably lol .. did u send them?? so ure...
afwan eini..
Every day i fill a bowl with water n put it in the...
drsam, maybe u r a bad dentiste lol removing all teeth...
Fathimah .. all this in the driver??? husband father...
enjoying yaar
very true lol
Fathimah, why dnt u give him an off day as well lol...
Rizk hahhaa that water is for the poor birds not for...
Rizk ,most probably lol .. did u send them?? so ure...
afwan eini..
Every day i fill a bowl with water n put it in the...
drsam, maybe u r a bad dentiste lol removing all teeth...
Fathimah .. all this in the driver??? husband father...
enjoying yaar
enjoying yaar
very true lol
Fathimah, why dnt u give him an off day as well lol...