7,000QR. Hopefully your company will understand and up...
There is a part of the qatar civil code for force...
Tricky one. What does your contract say, is there early...
Hi. This site is pretty good, but a lot of the...
Yes you can, but it's not the credit card in the...
Manbona is right in a way, and DaRude has it spot on...
Leader000...you are the classic bad agent who makes the...
'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the...
Mate, your profile says you 'love true colours....and...
Sounds like you've had a nightmare. Never sign anything...
7,000QR. Hopefully your company will understand and up...
There is a part of the qatar civil code for force...
Tricky one. What does your contract say, is there early...
Hi. This site is pretty good, but a lot of the...
Yes you can, but it's not the credit card in the...
Manbona is right in a way, and DaRude has it spot on...
Leader000...you are the classic bad agent who makes the...
'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the...
Mate, your profile says you 'love true colours....and...
Sounds like you've had a nightmare. Never sign anything...