Uh, do you mean jockey brand underwear or something you...
Hey Starry, if you can't find them I'd be happy to...
A rule of thumb for many American institutions in Qatar...
Oh, and domestic help can be available relatively...
Welcome, Ashtin. Goodness, that's a lot of questions....
Good Lord, perhaps you should leave that issue to the...
I'm on shaky ground here, but I believe I've heard that...
Insha'allah it will come tomorrow. The past two days...
I think your idea about getting a job is a good one....
Sorry, Sunshine, I see from your other post that there...
Uh, do you mean jockey brand underwear or something you...
Hey Starry, if you can't find them I'd be happy to...
A rule of thumb for many American institutions in Qatar...
Oh, and domestic help can be available relatively...
Welcome, Ashtin. Goodness, that's a lot of questions....
Good Lord, perhaps you should leave that issue to the...
I'm on shaky ground here, but I believe I've heard that...
Insha'allah it will come tomorrow. The past two days...
I think your idea about getting a job is a good one....
Sorry, Sunshine, I see from your other post that there...