I finally got a result from AC declo, after i...
If this is QP, then 5700 is low. (It must be grade 7...
They should reply very quicly, and the location makes...
Thanks boss. Which department?
NCP - Whas the email from QP or from a recruitment...
Just spoke to somebody at QP. Its confirmed.
If its QP, then Qr5700 is a little low, and the housing...
are you sure this is QP? if they offered you a...
is it grade 7?
Not true. Family RP will be issued if you have diploma...
I finally got a result from AC declo, after i...
If this is QP, then 5700 is low. (It must be grade 7...
They should reply very quicly, and the location makes...
Thanks boss. Which department?
NCP - Whas the email from QP or from a recruitment...
Just spoke to somebody at QP. Its confirmed.
...If its QP, then Qr5700 is a little low, and the housing...
are you sure this is QP? if they offered you a...
is it grade 7?
Not true. Family RP will be issued if you have diploma...