Landcruiser is the best ..
Patrol looks more...
For jobs .. linkedIN or gulftalent are good ... keep...
Your employer can obtain a residence visa for you.....
((Gross or Basic Salary / 30)*21)... As per labor law...
Good Sadiq...
Instead devices can be installed in the vehicles, to...
Don't worry ..It's their job, they are paid...
They will not do anything ..Just ignore his calls, but...
12k min.salary or possess a driver visa ..This would be...
Driving is a privilege ...Not everyone is eligible to...
Landcruiser is the best ..
Patrol looks more...
For jobs .. linkedIN or gulftalent are good ... keep...
Your employer can obtain a residence visa for you.....
((Gross or Basic Salary / 30)*21)... As per labor law...
Good Sadiq...
Instead devices can be installed in the vehicles, to...
Don't worry ..It's their job, they are paid...
They will not do anything ..Just ignore his calls, but...
12k min.salary or possess a driver visa ..This would be...
Driving is a privilege ...Not everyone is eligible to...