We've been here 19 years... raised five kids here, three of which have returned to work here. I love the place, and so does the rest of the family it seems... except husband who works long hours..!! He works a split shift day, which sounds nice to be able to come home for lunch/nap but then goes back until 7ish, and then some, but maybe thats the curse of management level work.
Family life is good though, and lots for the kids to do.. maybe too much at times... Scouts, Guides etc, Sailing Academy, Soccer clubs, Scientific Clubs, Ball sports,...Dance lessons, Music schools, Creative Arts... in fact as much as you can handle.
Its very safe here compared to countries where you need to be checking who is lurking around your corners ready to swipe your children. No muggings etc. Driving is little crazy so I'm told, but with no road rage. Just silly maneouvers by careless drivers, which most women (taking the kids to school) learn to handle quite well judging by the amount of ladies on the road here. I feel safer driving here actually than in Greece or back in the UK, which are my normal haunts when I go abroad.
Hope this helps.