I understand that most of you pay agency fees etcetera, etcetera to employ a person to be your maid....
but didn't you ask the person you hire how much they spent before reaching here to your place,.. it's not that i'm saying you need to compensate that as employer; just be CONSIDERATE, they to have a lot of cost to consider to agree for their salary:
1. If the person already have a family (would you think she/he would rather clean other peoples home than theirs?)
2. If they are young, then would you think they got enough education? they to sometimes pay, you can say a "ridiculous", amount to their agency back home, just to get a little higher than what would they get back in their home country.
3. also not to mention, the emotional cost of being distant from your family just to send them to school, have a decent life, not knowing how they develop maturity (thats with regard to those who have children.
What i want to imply is that, as a person hiring another person to help you, either the work is huge or even for a small amount of effort/skill, even they are uneducated. It's not about having an industry having a standard salary it's you as a person how much you can share for your fellow human being. Please do remember they to are Human being with a small oppurtunity because of their race.It may not be their fault to be born on their race but, an ample consideration in your heart would do big at the expense of no one.
I understand that most of you pay agency fees etcetera, etcetera to employ a person to be your maid....
but didn't you ask the person you hire how much they spent before reaching here to your place,.. it's not that i'm saying you need to compensate that as employer; just be CONSIDERATE, they to have a lot of cost to consider to agree for their salary:
1. If the person already have a family (would you think she/he would rather clean other peoples home than theirs?)
2. If they are young, then would you think they got enough education? they to sometimes pay, you can say a "ridiculous", amount to their agency back home, just to get a little higher than what would they get back in their home country.
3. also not to mention, the emotional cost of being distant from your family just to send them to school, have a decent life, not knowing how they develop maturity (thats with regard to those who have children.
What i want to imply is that, as a person hiring another person to help you, either the work is huge or even for a small amount of effort/skill, even they are uneducated. It's not about having an industry having a standard salary it's you as a person how much you can share for your fellow human being. Please do remember they to are Human being with a small oppurtunity because of their race.It may not be their fault to be born on their race but, an ample consideration in your heart would do big at the expense of no one.