If I have got one thing right as a parent it was to discourage the smoking.
The deal I have made with both of my kids is if they don't become smokers they get a car when they are 18.
I know daughter has tried it because she was spotted by a friend of ours, it was almost inevitable she would try it but she is anti smoking.
Although we will be vigialent I don't see it as a problem, or the drugs.

She is a very capable and confident lady with a strong sense of what is right and wrong, I'm not bulling her up she really is.
It is always her who deals with whatever crisis her friends are having, hence the police choice I suppose.

Inspite of all the negatives, which I genuinely appreciate by the way, the comment about having someone to clean her room will probably win her over.

You should see it, it is a disgrace!

I do think the experience is vital and I would be doing her an injustice if I didn't bring her.

Most of you can look at a globe and point out the places you have been and what those places are like.

Not many people can do that. I'm 42 and I have only had 5 holidays abroad.

Getting away from the Chav culture is a major factor also.

Plus if she learns to drive in Doha, Birkenhead should be a breeze when she comes back!