Good morning friends!

Man I've been so damn addicted to this series called Heroes. Was a little slow to start off with, but now at episode 9 of 18 from Season 1, can't remember last when I was so engrossed into a TV series. Thankfully managed to download all 18 episodes, but I just hope that they haven't ended the season on a real big suspense!!

Han: Good to see your name in here again. As for posting, you know whats good for you. So no comments on that. But then again, we're the same people that you know, so whether you post it here or anywhere else doesn't really make much difference. Now that you've promised our good old friend Neo to take this thing to the top, you just can't leave him stranded right? :P

NTN: I didn't know that your prior commitment last evening (and a boring one that too) was to meet Han for the first time! LOL LOL. Just kidding. Spare girlfriend? Lets leave it at that for now. Remind me to explain whenever we meet up.

More on the ZEE group getting new cricket league, well I've been reading more into it and it doesn't seem like a bad idea actually. They've offered to work alongside BCCI, more like an extension to it. Sounds really good for Indian cricket.

Alrite, I wonder if its just me or everyone has been noticing this. NTN's sentences actually start with a comma or a fullstop instead of ending with one! Seriously, go have a look above! Do you do that deliberately or its just your arabic or whatever language keyboard you're using?

Hassen: Dude, a big hello to you as well. Where have you been? You just say like a hi and disappear for next two days.

Cheers and have a good day all!
Buick's new car is called 71.
It carries two in the front and 69 in the back