Few things to make sure you'll get from ur company to come here;
1. Accomodation (separate for family not sharing basis)
2. Medical claim/ Insurance
3. Education for Children
4. Flight ticket home (annually) * still ok kalau tak provide..

Those first 3 things are the highest cost ere (generally in Middle East). If they don't offer you all these but giving you salary range of RM15k-20k per month, still won't be enough!! So.. stay in Malaysia.. and be thankful ;)
If they offer all of those and give u yet a salary range of QR10k and above.. baru bleh consider.. but 10k pun nak save tak sebrape la.. dapat la save lam 3/4 ribu kot??
A decent furnished apartment je dah cost you at least RM7k/month!
A nursery/pre-school mite cost you RM2k/month!
Makan luar - darab 2 or 3 la.. depends on place.
Tgk wayang pung darab 3!!! (menyampah tul!)
Brg2 mentah.. lebih kurang la.. tapi kalau import, mahal nak mati..
Brg2 elektrik, slightly muraher sini.
Kete - murah la.. mane de tempat kat dunie ni harge kete mahal dr malaysia! hehe
Brg2 baby - darab la 2/3 kali gande.. siut tul..
Ape2 pun, set ur mind, coming ere, the cost will be 2 or 3 times higher when u were in M'sia for sure!
Transportation - taxi is very hard to get, the official is Karwa taxi..but not that much.. people often go by taxi sapu, depends on distance.. starting price QR15, can go up to QR35 or more (sebab dieorg blasah je kan). So, baik beli kete je la.. senang cite
Ape2 pun goodluck la...
I'm ere from Nov 2006. Still ok and surviving.. but miss Malaysia soooo damn much!