I think everyone here - regardless of culture, religion, etc., learned this lesson when they were young.

"If you can't say something nice about or to someone - don't say anything at all".

Agree to disagree, personal attacks are not necessary, belittling someone makes you look foolish, respect begets respect.

Unfortuantely there are those in the world that have to put others down to make themselves feel better. There are those who are bored and have to start conflict for their entertainment.

Inform others of your opionion don't try to force your opinion on them. You may end up changing someone's mind with the information that you offer.

Everyone in Doha has a unique opportunity. You have a chance to learn and experience other cultures, etc. I know my children, as well as myself, benefited from being expats. It has helped us grow as human beings.

Aisha, I hope you remain on this sight. I enjoy reading your posts and blogs. I am very anxious to get to Qatar because one of the first things I want to do is join your volunteer group.

All the best to all the QLers. 'Yall have a good evening.
