I don't really get it when you speak of larger section / the masses. Are you referring to the deprieved people, mainly in villages? Or people who are busy in metro and other larger cities who are too busy in their lives to realize this change?

Well there still is a difference I feel. If we're talking of a poor person or a family living in a village, then nothing at all is historic for them. Whether its a Indian team winning the world cup or having first ever woman president. I guess what really would be historic for them is having 24 hours of electricity and water!

As for the people leaving in cities and town, I think majority of people are quite abreast with the news there. And for sure we all know its a historic day in Indian political scenario to have a first woman as the president. Maybe they already know how to use it to their advantage. Atleast the political parties know for sure!

800 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!