i've also noticed that fminkara and like you am trying to figure out why. this is a very important disscussion here.
i am facing this problem with other nationalities(am not gonna mention who) they say one thing in your face and talk durty about you once you turn your back. one time i over heard them.
this is where the saying( el mou3amaleh mitil el rassor ).
i can see it in alot of pple eyes, this strange hate or envy.
i simply want to know why?
i realize that every nationality is unique but i sense this targetting toward lebanese. is it because we dress nice or that we get the good jobs.
or is it because we have beautiful women or is it class related issue.
i just cant pintpoint it exactly but its really annoying. although i have met some other nationalities guys that i take pride in calling them my brother but as for the majority, its just crazy out their.what do you think?