I am no hair expert, but the problem could be the frequent oil she is applying. It could be clogging the pores. Did she recently have a baby? if so she must continue taking her prenatal vitamins. She could be lacking in a certain vitamin/mineral. Or, she could be very stressed about something that she's been harboring for a while. There could be so many reasons, but I suggest before thinking the worst, see a doctor first and maybe run some blood tests just to rule out anything suspicious. I know so many people in Qatar that complain about losing hair- could be the water... who really knows- you're wife is not alone.
I am no hair expert, but the problem could be the frequent oil she is applying. It could be clogging the pores. Did she recently have a baby? if so she must continue taking her prenatal vitamins. She could be lacking in a certain vitamin/mineral. Or, she could be very stressed about something that she's been harboring for a while. There could be so many reasons, but I suggest before thinking the worst, see a doctor first and maybe run some blood tests just to rule out anything suspicious. I know so many people in Qatar that complain about losing hair- could be the water... who really knows- you're wife is not alone.